The AI-PRISM consortium has released its deliverable, “Use case scenarios and requirements analysis (I)”. It reports the efforts done in the scope of tasks of the AI-PRISM project towards the definition of the use cases and the requirement analysis specifications.
The document includes the initial description of the five different use cases of the AI-PRISM project and the related key performance indicators (KPIs). Furthermore, the deliverable contains the initial set of hierarchical requirements for subsequent system development: the high-level requirements identified so far by the stakeholders and the system requirements (related to Hardware, Human-Robot Collaboration aspects, the AI Enhancing Tools and Social Collaboration aspects) resulting from the analysis of the stakeholder requirements.
With the document, the AI-PRISM team can start to elaborate on the requirements, hardware and software based on use requirements and foreseen use cases.
Read the full deliverable to explore each use case and the analysis here, download it and get a grasp on our work!