AI-PRISM celebrates a successful first anniversary

The AI-PRISM team, comprising a solid interdisciplinary team of 25 organizations, including an affiliated entity (EVR Italia) and the international cooperation of South Korea, celebrates its first anniversary in September 2023. Throughout the last 12 months, significant progress has been made in our use cases, human-centred AI-based innovations and project communication. The journey started at […]
PatchMixer for 3D point cloud processing impact on the AI-PRISM project by Dr Davide Boscaini

Recently researchers Davide Boscaini and Fabio Poiesi from partner Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) have published the scientific paper entitled “PatchMixer: Rethinking network design to boost generalization for 3D point cloud understanding.” Their contributions are from a novel deep learning architecture to process 3D point cloud data based on MLP layers only to minimize inductive biases. […]